Craig Silvey News 2014.


January 14, 2014.

Artshub identifies the Jasper Jones stage production as one of the top ten Australian productions to see in 2014. Read about it on Craig Silvey's Facebook and artshub.com.au (archive).


January 18, 2014.

As part of Booktopia's search for Australia's favourite novelists, tens of thousands of votes were cast. Craig Silvey was named in the top ten. View Australia’s 50 favourite novelists for 2014 on Booktopia (archive 1; archive 2).

Here are the top ten:

1. Matthew Reilly.

2. Tim Winton.

3. Kate Morton.

4. Markus Zusak.

5. Monica McInerney.

6. Tony Park.

7. Kerry Greenwood.

8. Craig Silvey.

9. Di Morrissey.

10. John Marsden.

Craig Silvey also made it onto Booktopia's 2013 list (archive 1; archive 2).

(Update: A part of this 2014 list was also published by The New Daily in "Who is truly Australia’s favourite author?" (archive 1, archive 2).


January 18, 2014.

Craig Silvey appears in an article, "Zing in the Tale : What Makes a Great Book? Writers Share the Stories that Have Made Them Laugh and Cry - and More than a Little Envious." The article was in this weekend's magazine for The West Australian (January18-19, 2014). If you find a digital copy of this article, please share it with the guy who maintains this fan site. The article is listed on this AusLit page (archive 1, archive 2), but there doesn't seem to be a version of the article online.

Above: Craig Silvey on the cover of "West Weekend." Photo credit: Robert Duncan. (Photo source; archive 1; archive 2.)


February 18, 2014.

The Flickerfest national tour features The Amber Amulet in its Best Of Australian Shorts program. Read Craig Silvey's Facebook post.


March 5, 2014.

BuzzFeed includes a Jasper Jones quote in "21 Beautiful And Unique Wedding Readings From Books" (archive).


April 2014.

Above: Shaka Cook, James Beck, and Kate Mulvany preparing for the upcoming Jasper Jones stage production in Perth. (Source: Kate Mulvany's Instagram.)


May 19, 2014.

The Masked Avenger and Richie the Powerbeagle are now patrolling the streets of Istanbul. Maskeli Kahraman, the Turkish translation of Craig Silvey's novella, The Amber Amulet, is out now. If you can read Turkish, read more about Maskeli Kahraman and also check out Craig Silvey's Turkish Facebook, which is run by his Turkish publisher Martı Yayın Grubu.


June 20, 2014.

Lost and Found, a novel by Brooke Davis, comes out this month. In "Grief Harnessed to Positive Effect," the author, who works a local bookshop in Perth, is quoted as saying: ‘‘Craig Silvey came into the bookshop and told me he’d read one of my stories and then he put me in touch with his agent." (Archive 1, archive 2.)


June 27, 2014.

The Freemantle Herald writes about the popularity of Jasper Jones in Turkey and about how the award winning novel has been transformed into a play. Read the article by Jenny D'Anger, "That Jones Boy" (archive 1; archive 2.)

Above photo: The Barking Gecko cast for the 2014 performance of Jasper Jones:

* Elizabeth Blackmore as Eliza Wishart.

* Shaka Cook as Jasper Jones.

* James Beck as Charlie Bucktin.

* Hoa Xuande as Jeffrey Lu.

Above photo: Craig Silvey and actor Shaka Cook. (Source of photo; archive.)


July 10, 2014.

Jasper Jones finds a home on stage. Read an article about it by Stephen Bevis in the West Australian (archive 1, archive 2). Also watch a video about adapting the novel to the stage.


July 15, 2014.

Listen to Craig Silvey discussing the stage adaptation of Jasper Jones with the ABC's "Books and Arts" show (archive of page; archive of audio).


July 17, 2014.

If you have a subscription to The Australian, read the article, "Empathy for a rebellious outsider in Jasper Jones," by Victoria Laurie.


July 22, 2014.

We Love Perth interviews Craig Silvey. (Archive.)

Above photo of Craig Silvey by Andy Shedden.


July 2014.

One passionate reader of Tanrı'nın Unutulan Çocukları, the Turkish translation of Jasper Jones, has posted ten photos of his highlighted copy of this novel to Instagram. The Instagram user is Canucarr. Here are links to his ten posts.

Post 1 — posted with the caption: "Koza'dan ayrılmak hep sancılı geçer. Duende'ne sarıl..."

Post 2 — "İnce, çizgi ince..."

Post 3 — "Herkesin herkersiz olduğu bir dünya. Amaç bu mudur?"

Post 4 — "Dünyan sarsıldığında insanı insan yapan şeyler ve insanlıktan çıkaran şeyler acayip bir savaşa tutulur. Evet, buna eminim."

Post 5 — "I. Soru."

Post 6 — "II. Cevap."

Post 7 — "Kaslı bir kalp kaslı bir vücuttan önemlidir. Hadi kaybol baalım şimdi."

Post 8 — "Bazen ikrardan gelmez o. Gelmesi gerekir, gelmelidir. Gelir."

Post 9 — "Işık!"

Post 10 — "Örümcek gibi."


August 1, 2014.

If you read Portuguese, here's a review of O segredo de Jasper Jones, which is the title of the Portuguese translation of Jasper Jones. (Archive 1; archive 2.) More info about this translation.


August 1, 2014.

The reviews of the stage adaptation of Jasper Jones are in.

X-press Magazine calls it "A stand out classic." Read Jessica Zoe Allen's review on XpressMag.com.au (archive).

ABC calls it a "delight to watch" and "incredible." Read Sinead Mangan's review on ABC.net.au (archive).

The West Australian gives it four and a half stars. Read David Zampatti's review (archive).

Above photo by Jon Green (JonGreenPhotographer.com.au) of the Jasper Jones stage adaptation.


August 11, 2014.

The July and August performances of Jasper Jones, a stage adaptation of Craig Silvey's novel, has come to end. Read Craig Silvey's Facebook post about the Perth production put on by Barking Gecko.



August 26, 2014.

Craig Silvey will be available throughout the month of March 2015 for school talks. If interested, please read his Facebook post.


November 25, 2014.

Listen to James Hall interview Craig Silvey about the movie adaptation of Jasper Jones for RTR FM (archive).


October 12, 2014.

Kylie Minogue both Tweeted (archive) and Instagam'd about how she loved reading Jasper Jones.


October 21, 2014.

Barking Gecko Theatre Company has released a trailer for their 2014 production of Jasper Jones. Watch it on Barking Gecko's Vimeo.

Photo credit: Jon Green. (Source, archive.)


December 4, 2014.

Craig Silvey talks with ABC's Sharon Kennedy about the upcoming Jasper Jones film. Read "The movie adaptation of Jasper Jones to be shot in the South West" (archive 1, archive 2). Read more about the film.


December 4, 2014.

The Amber Amulet stage production is coming to schools in June and July of 2015.